Advocacy & Promotion of School libraries

**NEW** OCTOBER 2021

Advocacy competition!! Prizes kindly donated by Woodslane


Send us your ADVOCACY TIPS! What has worked for you? Do you have any great advice for others? Email your tips and ideas to by the end of November 2021.

We are holding a competition with prizes generously donated by Woodslane. A huge thank you to the team at Woodslane for their generous donation. We are looking forward to partnering with them again in the future. 

To enter the competition, send us your best tips for advocacy. How have you advocated for your role and/or your school library? What has worked for you?

All entries will be judged by the ASLA board with winners announced in the November newsletter. 

Prizes for best EC/Primary submission:

A-Z of Australian Bush Creatures

Henry the Flying Emu

The O in the Snow

Prizes for best Secondary submission:

Don’t Doubt the Rainbow

The Rooftop 


What is a Teacher Librarian?

A qualified teacher librarian is defined as a person who holds recognised teaching qualifications and qualifications in librarianship, defined as eligibility for

Students Need School Libraries

In the face of Australia’s falling ranking in educational outcomes among OECD countries and rapidly changing expectations for the future workforce, a coalition of Australian school library associations has formed to advocate nationally for the reinvigoration of school libraries. 

Advocacy Support for ASLA Members

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Connect with us | Australian School Library Association, Inc. | 416 Magill Rd, Kensington Gardens SA 5068 AUSTRALIA | ABN: 13 949 313 604 ARBN: 141 262 866

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