WebinarsDate Claimer - Keep the 1st Wednesday between Feb-Nov free for the ASLA Webinar Series!In 2025, we will continue to provide high-quality professional development through the ASLA Webinar Series. Update your skills and get concrete new ideas to implement in your library, every month from February to November. Starting in 2024 and continuing in 2025, attendance of ASLA Webinar Series events is FREE for ASLA members (registration required), with the recordings of these events continuing to be FREE to members in the online store. Non-Members are able and welcome to register for ASLA events and/or purchase event recordings. Stay up to date with upcoming ASLA events and more by signing up to our mailing list - found near the bottom of the home page. All webinars are recorded, with a link to the recording sent to registrants after the event - meaning you can still register and receive the link to the recording, even if you can't attend live.