ACCESS - National Professional Journal

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ACCESS is the professional journal of ASLA, which provides an open forum for educators and researchers who are concerned with issues arising from digital literacy and school librarianship. Major foci include collaborative curriculum development, inquiry-based learning, information technology and its integration into learning/teaching programs, information management, information literacy and literature.

ACCESS is published four times a year, in March, June, September and December, in a digital format. It is read by teacher librarians, librarians, academics, library technicians and library support staff in primary and senior schools in all Australian states and territories, in government, private and independent sectors. 

Not a member? Sign up here or find out more about subscriptions below. 

Subscription to ACCESS

Member Subscription

ACCESS is provided to ASLA members as part of the benefits of membership. 
Current and past issues of ACCESS are available for ASLA members here.

New ASLA membership is available here.

Subscription only rates (i.e. without ASLA membership)

Australian subscribers: $AUD 121.00. Price includes GST. 
Overseas subscribers: $AUD110.00. No GST payable. 
Online applications here.

Agency subscriptions are also available. Please email ASLA for agency subscription information.

Contribute to ACCESS

Refereed Journal Status

Access has been added to the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) 2018 journal list.

Authors who require their article to be refereed must submit their material to the Access Editor, 

Lee FitzGerald.  A peer-review process for articles to meet ERA’s requirements has been established.


Copyright of articles published in ACCESS is jointly held by the Australian School Library Association (ASLA) and the author(s). The author(s) retain copyright of their articles but give permission to the ASLA to reprint their works in collections of other such documents published by and on behalf of the ASLA. Author(s) who give permission for their articles to be reprinted elsewhere should inform the editor of Access and should ensure the following statement appears with the article: Reprinted with permission, from Access [volume, issue, date, pages.]

ACCESS Advertising Rates:

Download here.
  • ASLA welcomes advertising requests that have the intent to serve the nationwide interests of our members.

  • Advertising encompasses both display and advertorial material and should be clearly distinguishable from editorial content.

  • Advertorial material will be labelled as “advertising” to avoid confusion by our audience.

  • ASLA reserves the right to decline any advertising request without reason.

  • A tax invoice will be forwarded on acceptance of the advertisement.

Sample issue: March 2020

Upcoming events

Connect with us | Australian School Library Association, Inc. | 416 Magill Rd, Kensington Gardens SA 5068 AUSTRALIA | ABN: 13 949 313 604 ARBN: 141 262 866

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