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By-law 1: Direct Membership
Amended and accepted: 07 May 2022
The application fee is the first year’s annual subscription. Fees are published on the ASLA website and membership application form.
All existing members of ASLA Member Associations remain members of ASLA for that year of membership at the time the State/Territory association ceases to exist.
If the application meets the requirements of the Constitution and eligibility for membership, then the application will be accepted, and endorsed at the next Board meeting.
Unsuccessful applicants will be informed of the decision of the Board and be refunded the application fee.
Unsuccessful applicants may make an appeal in writing to the Board within 21 days of receiving a notice of the decision of the Board. The Board shall consider the appeal at the next Board meeting. The Executive Officer (or Secretary) will reply in writing within 28 days of the Board meeting at which the appeal was considered.
1.1.1 Membership classes
The Voting Members of Member Associations, Personal Members, and the individual nominated to represent Schools K-12 Members and Corporate Members, are entitled to vote in any ballot conducted by the Association.
Applications for Honorary membership must be submitted to the Board in writing for consideration. Applications will include, but not be limited to, length of membership of ASLA, positions and roles held in ASLA (State or National), projects involved in, publications for ASLA (ACCESS, other), other significant involvement in ASLA.
The Board shall announce Honorary Members at the last meeting of the Board of each year.
Honorary Membership will be reviewed every five (5) years.
There will only be ten (10) Honorary Members at any one time.
Honorary members of Member Associations that have ceased to exist will be considered for Honorary Member status of ASLA until the end of the transitional membership year.
Information is kept about members to provide the benefits and services of the Association to them. NB: This information will not be used for any other purposes without the member’s prior consent. This information may include: