ASLA Fellow/Associate Fellow post-nominal awards

Fellowship of the Australian School Library Association was presented to members in recognition of outstanding, sustained voluntary contribution to school libraries at the national level. Members nominating for this award will have demonstrated significant professional knowledge and skills and a substantial, sustained degree of leadership at the national level.

This award furthered the objectives of the Association

  • to promote an understanding of the aims, needs and educational significance of school library resource services and teacher librarianship;
  • to establish, review and maintain national standards and guidelines for school library resource services;
  • to be a national authority in the field of school library resource services and teacher librarianship;
  • to develop, write and publish materials which will promote the development of school library resource services and teacher librarianship.

Fellows of ASLA may use the post-nominal FASLA and Associate Fellows can use the post-nominal AFASLA after official confirmation of the award.

Award Recipients

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Connect with us | Australian School Library Association, Inc. | 416 Magill Rd, Kensington Gardens SA 5068 AUSTRALIA | ABN: 13 949 313 604 ARBN: 141 262 866

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