ASLA By-Laws |
1.1. Application
The application fee is the first year’s annual subscription. Fees are published on the ASLA website and membership application form.
All existing members of ASLA Member Associations remain members of ASLA for that year of membership at the time the State/Territory association ceases to exist.
If the application meets the requirements of the Constitution and eligibility for membership, then the application will be accepted, and endorsed at the next Board meeting.
Unsuccessful applicants will be informed of the decision of the Board and be refunded the application fee.
Unsuccessful applicants may make an appeal in writing to the Board within 21 days of receiving a notice of the decision of the Board. The Board shall consider the appeal at the next Board meeting. The Executive Officer (or Secretary) will reply in writing within 28 days of the Board meeting at which the appeal was considered.
1.1.1 Membership classes
o Small School (1 – 3 Library Staff)
o Large School (4 – 6 Library Staff)
1.2. Voting
The Voting Members of Member Associations, Personal Members, and the individual nominated to represent Schools K-12 Members and Corporate Members, are entitled to vote in any ballot conducted by the Association.
1.3. Honorary members
Applications for Honorary membership must be submitted to the Board in writing for consideration. Applications will include, but not be limited to, length of membership of ASLA, positions and roles held in ASLA (State or National), projects involved in, publications for ASLA (ACCESS, other), other significant involvement in ASLA.
The Board shall announce Honorary Members at the last meeting of the Board of each year.
Honorary Membership will be reviewed every five (5) years.
There will only be ten (10) Honorary Members at any one time.
Honorary members of Member Associations that have ceased to exist will be considered for Honorary Member status of ASLA until the end of the transitional membership year.
1.4. Membership record
Information is kept about members to provide the benefits and services of the Association to them. NB: This information will not be used for any other purposes without the member’s prior consent. This information may include:
The Board at the last meeting of each calendar year determines annual subscription fees. Members will be notified of any changes 12 months in advance of the renewal period.
Member Associations will provide their members’ email address details to facilitate communication.
3.1. Nominations and voting rights
Dates and timeline for nominations and voting will be determined as part of the annual calendar to be approved at the final Board meeting for each year.
Nominations and elections take place before the Annual General Meeting. Any nominator, nominee, or elected officer must be a financial member of the Association. No person can hold more than one position on the Board.
3.1.1. Member Association
3.1.2. Personal Member
3.1.3. Schools K-12 Member
3.1.4. Corporate Member
3.2. Administration of ballot
The Voting Members of Member Associations, Personal Members, and the individual nominated to represent Schools K-12 Members and Corporate Member, are entitled to vote in a ballot conducted by the Association.
The Secretary shall distribute the ballot or recommend, through the Board, the appointment of another individual or organisation to distribute the ballot. The Board shall make the relevant appointment of the other individual or organisation who shall not be a candidate in the election.
The ballot will contain the name of the office to be filled and the names of the candidates, listed in alphabetical order. The brief curriculum vitae and statement of professional concerns shall also be listed.
An independent scrutineer, appointed by the Board, will oversee the conduct of the ballot following the closure of the vote.
4.1. Directors
Any changes to the Board are by special resolution passed by Voting Members as part of any Constitutional amendment through a General Meeting.
Board members represent the interests of all members of the Association nationally.
4.2. Casual vacancy – office-bearers
o The candidate with the next greatest number of votes in the last election for office-bearers shall be appointed.
o If there are no candidates from the last election then nominations for the vacancy will be called.
o The officer appointed will hold the position of office until the next Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible to be a candidate for election.
4.3. Declaring a Director’s position vacant
4.4. Casual vacancy – Member Association Directors
The Board shall fill the vacancy as follows:
4.5. Casual vacancy – Directors
In a State or Territory without a Member Association, the candidate with the next greatest number of votes in the last election shall be appointed. If there are no candidates from the last election then nominations for the vacancy will be called.
4.6. Temporary leave of absence
A Director who, for personal reasons, will be unable to contribute to email discussions and transact Board business may absent themselves if:
The business of the Board can be transacted with the absent Director being noted as an apology as long as a quorum is present.
4.7 Length of service for Board members
4.7.1 Directors (including Honorary Office Bearers) may serve on the Board for no more than six (6) years.
4.7.2 Honorary Office Bearers may serve up to two (2) terms in the one position (i.e. they may be elected to two consecutive two-year terms i.e. four years). A third term cannot be served in the same position. If a third term is served in another Office Bearer position, then the Office Bearer’s term finishes at the end of six (6) consecutive years of service on the Board.
4.7.3 Directors may not renominate for any position on the Board for one year after the expiry of their six-year term. During this year they are ineligible to fill a casual vacancy for any position on the Board.
Project Teams may be formed for specific purposes that may be either short or long term. The Board determines the scope and terms of reference for each team. A proposal must be presented to the Board for consideration for any new project team.
The Board determines the finalisation of any team. All ongoing teams should be reviewed on an annual basis for:
5.1. Specific purpose teams
Any member of ASLA may propose specific purpose teams. The purpose of the team must relate directly to ASLA’s objects.
A simple majority vote of the Board determines whether the team is formed or not. The proposal must include:
5.2. Ongoing project teams
The following teams established:
The Board may determine to establish other ongoing teams as needed.
5.3. Project Team membership
The Board determines membership of each team either by appointment or a call for nominees. The Board may take advice from the team proposal in its determination, or in the case of ongoing project teams, from that project Team.
In general, membership of any team should be based on expertise and availability together with consideration of the timeframe.
The Board should also seek to involve Association members from a range of geographic areas.
It is recommended that each team consist of up to five (5)ASLA members,or more, if required, one of whom must be a Board member. The Chair of the Project Team need not be the Board Director.
The members of the project team are bound by the specific Project Team’s Terms of Reference.
5.4. Ongoing project team membership
5.4.1. ACCESS journal team
5.4.2. Awards’ project team
5.4.3. Professional learning project team
5.5. Operation of project teams
5.5.1 ACCESS journal project team
a) The purpose of the ACCESS Journal Project Team is to:
b) The chair of the ACCESS journal project team provides a written report to the Board.
5.5.2. Awards’ project team
a) The Awards Project Team identifies and drafts all awards’ selection criteria and judging panels for ratification by the Board.
b) The Chair of the Awards’ Project Team provides a written report to the Board.
5.5.6. Professional learning project team
a) The purpose of the Professional Learning Project Team is to:
o provide an income stream for ASLA OR
o provide a direct benefit for members on a cost neutral basis
b) The Chair provides a written report to the Board.
6.1. Notification
The date of the Annual General Meeting as approved by the Board, will be available to members via the website. Members will be notified of the meeting schedule via email.
The President and Office Bearers, in consultation with the Board, shall prepare the agenda for meetings. The Board or members, depending on the meeting, will be notified by email of the agenda at least 14 days prior to the meeting, unless special resolutions are to be considered, and then a 21 day notice will apply.
6.2. Format & business
6.2.1. Board Meetings
The Board:
The business of the Board is to:
6.2.2. Annual General Meeting
The business of the Annual General Meeting will be to:
6.2.3. Voting
A majority of votes carries motions of all meetings, including Project Team meetings, and, in the event of a tied vote the chairperson shall have second or casting vote.
Special resolutions (or substantive motions) are processed at a General Meeting. A special resolution is passed if the majority of the Voting Members present vote in favour of the resolution (either in person or by proxy).
6.2.4. Minutes
The Secretary shall record the minutes of meetings. In the absence of the Secretary, the Executive Officer, or a nominated Director, shall record the minutes of the meeting.
Minutes of the Annual General Meetings will be available to members on request.
7.1. Advertising positions
7.2. Selection and appointment
7.3. Terms of engagement
7.4. Review of remunerated personnel
7. 5. Dismissal and appeal