The first keynote speaker on Day 1 of the ASLA Virtual Conference, Keys to Learning, was Elizabeth Hutchinson, who is a Chartered librarian and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information
Professionals (CILIP) UK. She is an independent trainer and adviser for school libraries in UK. She was awarded the British Empire Medal (BEM) for services to libraries in 2020 and is Chair of the Great School Libraries working party. She has worked in recent years with Darryl Toerien on the FOSIL (Framework of Skills in Inquiry Learning) that is the subject of an article in this issue of ACCESS, entitled FOSIL: Inquiry as mind set, skill set, tool set and community.
Elizabeth was the first keynote speaker, her theme: Thinking and acting in a global village: A story in
three parts:
Thinking locally and acting locally
Thinking globally and acting locally and
Thinking globally and acting globally.